Viewing Detailed Scenario Outputs in Result Mode

   In order to compare scenario results, you must be in Scenario Mode. Moreover, when in Scenario Mode, scenario results can only be viewed in Time History Result elements, Distribution Result elements and Final Value Result elements (and Dashboard controls). No other results are available. 

   Often, however, in addition to comparing scenario results, you will want to look at the detailed results for a single scenario. To do so, you must select the scenario of interest as the Active Scenario, and then run the model in the standard way (e.g., by pressing F5).  This places the model in Result Mode for the Active Scenario.  All results are available to view. 

   Note that while in Result Mode, you cannot compare scenarios (e.g., Result elements will only show results for the Active Scenario).

However, any scenario results that existed prior to entering Result Mode are still saved in the file (they are not deleted if you transitioned from Scenario Mode to Result Mode).  You can view these again by returning to Scenario Mode.  In particular, when you press F4 from Result Mode, you will be presented with an option to return to Scenario Mode (where you will have access to all scenario results), or return to Edit Mode (which will delete all scenario results).

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