Generating and Deleting Scenario Results Using the Scenario Manager

The most straightforward way to run a scenario and place your model in Scenario Mode is through the Scenario Manager:

From this dialog, you can run a single scenario by pressing one of the Run Scenario buttons, or run all scenarios via the Run All button.  In either case, GoldSim will run the model for the single scenario (or all scenarios), and place the model in Scenario Mode.

Here is the same dialog after pressing the Run All button:

In this case, pressing the button actually ran the model four times (once for each scenario). The dialog indicates that all four scenarios contain scenario results (the Action column provides the option to Delete Results, which would delete the scenario results for that scenario).

   Warning: Warning messages are not displayed when running scenarios via the Scenario Manager (although fatal error messages are).  To see any warning messages for a scenario, you would need to run it separately (outside of the Scenario Manager) by selecting it as the Active Scenario and pressing F5 or the Run button.

After running these scenarios, the status bar changes to orange and indicates that the model is in Scenario Mode:

Clicking on the right portion of the status bar shows all four scenarios (and the Live Model):

Note that all the scenarios have an asterisk (*) next to them.  An asterisk indicates that the scenario has scenario results available to be viewed.

   Note: A model in Scenario Mode has at least one scenario with results.  However, when in Scenario Mode, not all scenarios necessarily have results (since the scenarios can be run and results can be deleted independently).  Only those scenarios with results are marked with an asterisk (*).

Once you have generated scenario results, there are a number of ways to delete them.  From the Scenario Manager dialog itself, you can delete individual scenario results (using the Delete Results button for a particular scenario).  In addition, when viewing Scenario Data from within the Scenario Manager (via the Scenario Data… button), a Delete Results button is available for each scenario:

   Note: Because, by definition, a model in Scenario Mode has at least one scenario with results, if you delete all scenario results from the Scenario Manager, the model will immediately return to Edit Mode.

Finally, if you press F4 while in Scenario Mode (and the Active Scenario and at least one other scenario have results), you will be presented with this dialog:

The default option is to delete the results for the Active Scenario, but remain in Scenario Mode.  Otherwise, you can return directly to Edit Mode (and all scenario results are deleted).

If you press F4 in Scenario Mode (and the Active Scenario and at least one other scenario do not have results), the only option presented is to delete all results and return to Edit Mode.

You can also exit Scenario Mode by running the Active Scenario and going directly to Result Mode.  In this case, all existing scenario results are retained.

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