Simulating Correlated Arrays of Stochastic Histories

A History Generator can be specified to represent a 1-D array of variables (i.e., a vector).  In this case, the various input parameters must be specified as vectors.

This most common application of this is to simulate an array of correlated variables (e.g., a portfolio of investments).  When variables are correlated, their random movements (as typically quantified by the volatility) are linked to a greater or lesser degree.  For example, consider the three time series below:

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

In this example, the volatile movements of Beta and Gamma are strongly correlated, and are both uncorrelated to Alpha.

The correlations between the members of an array are specified via a correlation matrix.  A correlation matrix specifies the correlations between variables, and generally has the following form:

Note that by definition, a correlation matrix is symmetric around its diagonal (since the cross diagonal terms define the same correlation coefficient).

If you specify that the History Generator represents a 1-D array of variables (i.e., a vector), then the Use correlation matrix checkbox becomes available on the History Generator dialog:

If this box is checked, the Edit Matrix… button becomes available.  This button provides access to a dialog for specifying the correlation matrix:

By default, all off-diagonal correlation coefficients are zero.  The matrix is symmetrical, so you need only define one of the cross-diagonal terms.  The value represents a rank correlation coefficient, and must vary between -1 and 1.  It must be a number (i.e., you cannot specify a link).

   Note: When you define a correlation matrix, it is important to ensure that it is internally consistent.  For example, if you specified that A was positively correlated to B, and B was positively correlated to C, but that A was negatively correlated to C, the correlation matrix would be inconsistent (since in this case, A should also be positively correlated to C). When this occurs, GoldSim will produce a fatal error message.

GoldSim provides several different algorithms for correlating the members of the vector.  These are selected from the Correlation Algorithm drop-list at the top of the dialog.  The various correlations algorithms are discussed in detail in Appendix B of the GoldSim User’s Guide.

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