Referencing Outputs of Other Elements (Creating Links)

Some elements, such as an Integrator,  have a single output, while other elements, such as a Stochastic or a Reservoir, have multiple outputs. If an element has multiple outputs, one of the outputs is usually defined as the primary output for the element. Any other outputs for the element are referred to as secondary outputs.

The name of the primary output of an element is always the same as the name of the element itself. Output names are important because links between elements are created by referencing the name of the output of one element in one of the input fields for another element.

The names for secondary outputs are "hard-wired" for each element type. For example, a Stochastic always has two secondary outputs named “Probability_Density” and “Cumulative_Probability”. As a result, when referencing the secondary output of an element, it is not sufficient to simply enter the output name, as GoldSim would not be able to distinguish between the outputs if there were multiple occurrences of that type of element in the model (e.g., if there were two Stochastics in the model, GoldSim would not know which element was being referred to).

To avoid this problem, an output which is not the primary output is referenced by using both the element name and the output name: elementID.outputID. For example, the two secondary outputs of the Stochastic element named B would be referenced as:




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