Lookup Table Functions

Lookup Tables in GoldSim are referenced as functions. That is, once you define a Lookup Table element, you reference it in input expressions for other elements as if it were a custom function:

This expression instructs GoldSim to use the 2-D lookup table defined by the element X_Table and compute an output value based on a value for the row variable of 15m and a value for the column variable of 150kg.

When you create a Lookup Table, GoldSim automatically lists the table function in the Function menu that is accessible from the context menu within an input field:

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated

In addition to the Lookup Tables you have created, there are two additional specialized functions in this list (tablemin and tablemax).  Both of these functions require as their argument the name of a Lookup Table element:





Returns the minimum value of the dependent variable


Returns the maximum value of the dependent variable

T: The ID of a Lookup Table elment.

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