Built-in Functions

GoldSim provides a wide variety of built-in functions that can be used in expressions. These functions can be typed in directly, or inserted using the context menu of an input field:

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The functions are divided into eight categories (two of the categories only appear under certain circumstances):

1.  Trigonometry functions, such as sine and cosine;

2.  Math functions, such as square root and logarithm;

3.  Special functions, such as the Bessel function and "if,then,else";

4.  Financial functions, such as present value and future value;

5.  Date functions, which are specialized functions for manipulating variables that represent dates and times (e.g., extracting the day of the month from a date, determining if the simulated year is a leap year);

6.  Table functions, which are specialized functions for operatibg on Lookup Table elements (this category only exists if at least one Lookup Table element exists in the model);

7.  Time Series functions, which are specialized functions for operating on Time Series elements  (this category only exists if at least one Time Series element exists in the model); and

8.  Array operators, which are specialized functions that operate only on vectors and matrices.

An example of the use of a built-in function is shown below:

The “max” function, shown above in the Equation field, returns the maximum of a list of arguments.

The arguments to a built-in function are enclosed in parentheses, and if there are multiple arguments, they are separated by commas. The arguments to the built-in functions can be links, constants or expressions, but typically must meet certain requirements (e.g., the arguments to a “max” must all share the same dimensions). The first seven categories of functions (and any requirements imposed on their arguments) are summarized in the topics listed below.

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