Linking a Lookup Table to an External Data Source

In addition to allowing you to specify the data for a Lookup Table manually (by typing or pasting in the data, or manually importing the data from a text file), GoldSim also allows you to link the data directly to an external data source.

GoldSim provides four options for doing this:

   You can link the table to a spreadsheet file;

   You can link the table to a text file;

   You can link the table to a database; and

   You can link the table to an external program (a DLL) which outputs the table directly to the Lookup Table element.

You link a Lookup Table to an external source by selecting a data source type from the Data Source field at the bottom of the Lookup Table dialog:

By default, this is set to “None”.  To link the Lookup Table to a Data Source, you select a different option from this list box (MS-Excel, Extended GoldSim Database, External DLL or ASCII Text File).

When you do so, a new tab is added to the dialog that allows you to define the properties of the Data Source link.

The four options for linking to an external Data Source are described in detail in the topics below.

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