Exporting Final Value Results for Multiple Outputs and Multiple Realizations

In some cases, you may want to export the final values for selected outputs (e.g., all Stochastics) for every realization to an external file that you can subsequently read into a statistical analysis software package to facilitate post-processing (e.g., detailed uncertainty and/or sensitivity analysis).

You can do this by manually using a key combination when viewing a Raw Multi-Variate Data Table:

   Note: The default view for a Multi-Variate result is a 2D Scatter Plot. If you are viewing a 2D Scatter Plot (or a different type of Multi-variate display), you can view a Multi-Variate Data Table by pressing the Table button at the top of the display.

Recall that the specific outputs that are displayed in the table are manually selected when you create a Multi-Variate result (with one option being to display all Stochastic elements).

You can export the data displayed in the table by pressing Ctrl+E while viewing it. This will produce a tab-delimited text file (you will be prompted for a filename). The first line is a header line (Realization, followed by the result labels).  Units are shown in parentheses after each result label. Each subsequent line consists of the realization number followed by the values.  Data is exported using the current precisions setting (as displayed in the table). 

   Note: You can control the number of significant figures displayed in tables from the Results tab of the Options dialog (accessed via Model |Options… from the main menu).

Ctrl+Shft+E adds the full path to the result labels in the header row.

GoldSim exports exactly what is displayed in the table, so that if you choose to use result classification and screening when displaying the table, this is also reflected in the exported file.  Similarly, if you define Capture Times, the selected Capture Times will be reflected in the exported file.

In some cases, it may be cumbersome to open the Multi-Variate Result element and view the Raw Data table before exporting the data. GoldSim therefore provides an additional option to export the final values for all of the outputs specified in the Multi-Variate Result element. In particular, when the model is in Result Mode, you can simply right-click on the icon for the element in the graphics pane and select Export Results…:

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Only the final values are exported (no Capture Times). However, if you choose to specify result classification and screening in the Result element, this is also reflected in the exported file. 

The file that is exported in this case is comma-delimited (actually, comma + space) rather than tab-delimited. If the Shft key is pressed while selecting the menu option, the full path to the result labels are added in the header row.

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