Element Tool-Tips

Holding your cursor over an element in the graphics pane (or the browser) displays a tool-tip:

Element tool-tips display three types of information:

   Basic information



All elements display basic information regarding the element consisting of the element’s name, an icon (identifying the element type), and the Description (if one is specified). 

In addition to this information, other basic information about the element may also be displayed, depending on the element type, as well has how it has been defined.  If the element has a primary output, the tool-tip will show the display units for the output (in parentheses).  If the element is a vector or a matrix, the array label set(s) will be displayed (in brackets).

To augment this basic information, State and Property information is also displayed for some elements.  When displayed, these are separated from the basic information by a line.

State information consists of a current or initial Value for the element. Only elements that have a primary output display State information. GoldSim has three primary modes (or states) that a model can be in: Edit Mode, Run Mode and Result Mode.  When in Edit Mode (prior to running the model), the current or initial value is shown in the tool-tip. This represents the value of the output prior to running the simulation.

If an element has invalid inputs such that a current value cannot be computed, the value is reported as "undefined".

When the model has finished and has results (Result Mode), the Value shown in a tool-tip represent is the final value (i.e., the value at the end) of the final realization.

While a model is running (Run Mode), it can be paused and the model can be navigated.  In this case, the Value shown in a tool-tip represents the last value that was calculated (since the simulation has not yet been completed).

In addition to the basic information and the State (value) information, some elements will also display some of their input properties in the tool-tip.  This allows you to view the key inputs for the element without having to open the dialog.

   Note: You can control the number of significant figures displayed in tool-tips from the Results tab of the Options dialog (accessed via Model |Options… from the main menu).

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