Displaying Link Suggestions in Input Fields

XE "Links:suggesting inputs" When editing an input field, by default GoldSim automatically suggests the names of existing outputs at the bottom of the input field.  That is, when you place your cursor into an input field and begin to type, GoldSim provides a list of suggestions for output names that are consistent with what you have entered so far.

For example, assume that the outputs A1, A2 and A3 all exist in your model (at a scope that is accessible from the current input field), and within an input field you type the letter A.  The following will be displayed at the bottom of the input field:

If you simply want to select the first item in the list, you can press the Tab key.  The suggestion box will close, the selection will be inserted, and in the input field, the cursor is placed to the immediate right of the selected output.

You can select one of the other suggestions either by selecting it with your mouse or using the Up and Down arrow keys to select an option.

If you use the mouse to make the selection, the suggestion box will close, the selection will be inserted, and in the input field, the cursor is placed to the immediate right of the selected output.

If you use the Up and Down arrows to make the selection, then the following rules apply:

   You can continue to move through the list using the Home, End, PgUp and PgDn keys.

   If you press the Tab key or right arrow, the suggestion box will close, the selection will be inserted, and in the input field, the cursor is placed to the immediate right of the selected output.

   If you press a non-character key (such as an operator like +),  the suggestion box will close, the selection will be inserted, and in the input field, the operator is inserted and the cursor is placed to the immediate right of the inserted operator.

The suggestion list will also be closed if you left or right click elsewhere in the input field, or press Esc.

The following should be noted regarding how GoldSim constructs the suggestion list:

   The list only contains items that are within the scope of the input field.

   All locally available variables are included in the list (you can see these by typing ~):

   If you wish to link to a secondary output, you can do so by typing a period after the element name in the input field.  The suggestion box will then list any secondary outputs that exist for that element:

   Similarly, if you wish to link to an exposed output of a localized Container, you can do so by typing a period after the name of the Container in the input field.  The suggestion box will then list any exposed outputs that exist for that Container.

   Pressing Ctrl+Space causes the suggestion box to be displayed.  If the cursor is to the immediate right of a character, then the list that is consistent with the preceding character string is shown.  If the cursor is not to the immediate right of a character (e.g., if there is a space or operator before the cursor), then a list of ALL available outputs is provided.

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