Data Elements

DATAData elements are intended to represent the constant inputs in your model.

A Data element can represent both values and conditions (i.e., True/False), and can represent a single scalar datum, or an array of data.

As can be seen, the dialog is very simple. Other than the Element ID, Description and Display Units, the Data element property dialog has only a single input field (labeled Data Definition). Because Data elements are meant to represent constants in your model, typically you will enter a number into this field.

If you specify that the output of the Data element is a vector or a matrix, the dialog will be slightly modified (in order to allow you to define the members of the array).  Instead of displaying an input field, it displays a button for defining the array:

   Note: Although you can enter expressions (with links) into the Data Definition field for a Data element, it is generally recommended that you only enter numbers in this field (and use an Expression element when you need to define equations with links to other elements). Doing so helps to make your models more transparent, since the Data symbol will visually indicate to anyone viewing the model that the element represents a constant.

Data elements have a single output, which can be a value or a condition, and can be specified as a scalar, a vector or a matrix. You can specify these attributes by pressing the Type… button. By default, a new Data element is a scalar, dimensionless value.

Data elements also have a Data Source field that allows you to download data directly from an ODBC-compliant database.

If you are using GoldSim’s advanced scenario feature, and have defined at least one scenario, Data elements include an additional field that allow you to define the element as Scenario Data:

You can save the results for a Data element by clicking Final Values and/or Time Histories.

As shown below, the browser view of a Data element shows a single input (referred to as the Definition), and a single output:

   Note: Element inputs and outputs are only shown in the browser if you choose to Show Element Subitems (accessed via the browser context menu by right-clicking in the browser).

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