Outputs of the Fund Element

The key outputs of the Fund element are the fund balance (which has the same name as the element) and the cumulative interest paid (Cum_Interest).  Both of these are scalar values with dimensions of currency.

In addition, if negative balances are not allowed, the element has two additional outputs:

Actual_Withdrawal_Rate. If negative balances are not allowed and you specify a continuous withdrawal rate input, the actual withdrawal rate could be less than the requested withdrawal rate (the input).  This could occur if the Fund value goes to zero.  Hence, the Actual_Withdrawal_Rate is always less than or equal to the requested withdrawal rate. The Actual_Withdrawal_Rate output is a scalar value with dimensions of currency per time.

   Note: If negative balances are not allowed, and you specify a withdrawal rate such that the Fund hits zero in the middle of a timestep, the Actual_Withdrawal_Rate output reports the withdrawal rate for that timestep as the average withdrawal rate over the timestep (rather than the withdrawal rate at the end of the timestep, which would be zero)

Actual_Withdrawals. If negative balances are not allowed and you specify a discrete withdrawal rate input, GoldSim immediately outputs the actual withdrawal. The Actual_Withdrawals output is a discrete change signal with an Add instruction.  The value is scalar with dimensions of currency. The value of the Actual_Withdrawals signal could be less than the requested discrete withdrawal (the input).  This could occur if the Fund value goes to zero.  Hence, the Actual_Withdrawals output value is always less than or equal to the requested discrete withdrawal.

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