Distributed Processing Auxiliary Files and Working Folders

When a distributed processing simulation is started, the first thing that the Controller does is to transfer the model file (and any other required files, such as spreadsheets referenced by Spreadsheet elements, DLLs referenced by External elements, and all File elements) to each of the Client processes.

The files are copied to a working folder on the machine hosting the Client process.  The location of the working folder varies depending on the operating system.  The best way to access the folder is to use variables provided by the operating system. Enter the following directly into the address bar for Windows Explorer:


Within this folder will be a working folder called "DPClientiiii", where iiii is the port number.  (If you run multiple Client processes on a single system, each port will have it own working folder). An index file (index.gst) is generated by GoldSim inside each working folder.  This file stores information about any auxiliary files that have been saved in the folder.

   Note: This is the default location for the folder.  You can manually change this by editing the registry and creating a key called GoldSimDataFolder with the folder location under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GTG\GoldSim\DistributedProcessing.

If the GoldSim model uses External elements or External Pathway elements, copies of their DLL files will be created in the Client’s local working folder.

If the GoldSim model uses Spreadsheet elements, then:

   If the associated spreadsheet file has a full pathname (e.g., “C:\test\file.xlsx”) then it will be copied to the same path on the Client system under the working folder created by GoldSim (e.g., DPClientiiii\test\file.xlsx).

   If the associated spreadsheet file has a local pathname (e.g., “testfile.xlsx) then it will be copied into the Client’s working folder.

   If the associated spreadsheet file has a relative pathname (e.g.,“.\xyz\testfile.xlsx”) then it will be copied to a path on the Client system under the working folder created by GoldSim (e.g., DPClientiiii\xyz\test\file.xlsx).

   Warning: When doing distributed processing simulations, any referenced files (e.g., spreadsheets and DLLs) must be stored in the same folder as the GoldSim model file (or subfolders within that same folder). Relative paths to folders outside of the model folder should not be used.

If you use File elements, the same rules discussed above for spreadsheet files apply to the File Element’s local file name.

You can control whether or not the files in the working folders are saved at the end of the simulation. This option is accessed by pressing the Additional Client Settings button:

Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

When you do so, the following dialog is displayed:

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Files to keep on Client after simulation has  three options:

None: All files generated by the Client process (as well as the working folder itself) are deleted.

Auxiliary Files (default): Any auxiliary files transferred to the Client process (e.g., DLLs, spreadsheets) are saved, but any intermediate files that might have been generated independently by the Client process (e.g., via DLLs) are not saved.

All Files: Any auxiliary files transferred to the Client process (e.g., DLLs, spreadsheets) are saved, and any intermediate files that might have been generated independently by the Client process (e.g., via DLLs) are also saved.

   Note: The gsm file itself is never saved in the working folder.

   Note: If a Client machine is turned off during a simulation, its working folders are not deleted.

While a distributed processing simulation is running, results sent back to the Controller are stored in temporary result files in the same directory as the model file. One file is created for each realization (or set of realizations), and named ModelFilename-RealX.gsr, where ModelFilename is the name of the model file, and X is the realization number (if a set of multiple realizations are saved, the filename becomes ModelFilename-RealX-Y.gsr, where X is the first realization in the set and Y is the last realization in the set). By default, these files are deleted when the Controller assembles all of the results into the model file.

   Note: In some cases it is necessary to retain the temporary results files (e.g., to allow for recovery if the Controller process crashes). GoldSim provides a mechanism to do this by modifying a registry setting.

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