Aborting a Distributed Processing Simulation

While a distributed processing simulation is running, you may choose to abort the simulation before it is complete (i.e., in order to select a new group of computers to host Client processes).  You can do this by pressing the Abort button in the Controller dialog.

When the simulation is aborted, The Simulation Complete dialog is displayed. Completed realizations are retained. All Client processes will be deactivated (but left running). When you close the Simulation Complete dialog, the conroller dialog is displayed and all options are fully editable.  When you close this dialog, if you subsesequently press the Update clients button (to reactivate the Clients), the Run button is activated and is renamed Run/Resume.

If the Run/Resume button is pressed, GoldSim displays this dialog:

There are three buttons (in addition to Help):

Resume Run. This option makes use of realizations completed prior to the simulation being aborted, and runs the remaining realizations using the current list of Client processes.

Start New Run. This option discards all completed realizations and re-runs the entire simulation.  

Cancel. Returns to the Controller dialog.

If the Close button is pressed in the Controller dialog, GoldSim assembles completed realizations up to the first gap in the realization sequence, and places the model into Result Mode. For example, if realizations 1,2,3,4, 6 and 7 were completed, only realizations 1,2,3, and 4 would be assembled and available in Result Mode.

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