What Can I Do With the Dashboard Authoring Module?

The GoldSim Dashboard Authoring Module allows a GoldSim modeler to design and construct a "dashboard" interface for models. The interfaces can be designed to look like "dashboards" or "control panels", with buttons, input fields, sliders and result displays, and the author can embed text, tool-tips and graphics to provide instructions on the use of the model.  Some of the components which can be added to a Dashboard are shown below:

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

Models created using the Dashboard Authoring Module can be saved as Player files and subsequently viewed and run using the GoldSim Player, which can be downloaded for free from the GoldSim website.  Hence, GoldSim models that you have created using the Dashboard Authoring Module can be viewed and run by others without requiring them to have a licensed version of GoldSim.

Moreover, by creating an interface to your model using these components, your model can subsequently be viewed and run by someone without requiring them to be familiar with either the GoldSim modeling environment or the specific details of the model.

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