How Do I Create Dashboards in My Models?

Dashboards are GoldSim elements, and you add them to your model just as you do so for other elements, by inserting them using the context menu in the graphics pane, the main menu or the Element toolbar (they can be found under the “Containers” category):

Like Containers, you “look inside” a Dashboard by clicking on the small triangle in the upper left-hand corner of the icon.  The “interior” of a Dashboard looks like this:

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

The various Dashboard controls are added via the Controls toolbar. The toolbar is typically docked on the lower right side of the window, but it can be undocked (as shown here).

You cannot insert GoldSim elements inside a Dashboard.  Rather, you can only insert various Dashboard controls (using the Controls toolbar) and graphics (using the Drawing Tools toolbar).

The Dashboard itself can be thought of as the canvas on which you are creating the interface to your model.

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