Connecting a Data Element to Multiple Input Controls

In some situations you may want to connect more than one input control to the same Data element. GoldSim allows you to do this. 

However, there are limitations in how this can be used.  In particular, a Data element can only be linked to multiple controls if all of the controls are of the same type. For example, a Data element can be referenced by two different Check Box controls, but it cannot be referenced by a Check Box control and an Edit Box control at the same time.

   Note: The one exception to this rule is the Input Grid control.  Once you have referenced a Data element in an Input Grid control, that element cannot be referenced by any other control (including another Input Grid control).  That is, any element referenced by an Input Grid control can only be referenced once.

When a Data element is linked to two or more controls, when the model is viewed in a Dashboard and one of the controls is changed, any other input control linked to the same Data element responds instantaneously.  For example, if two Slider controls were linked to the same Data element, whenever one Slider was moved, the other would also move.

More importantly, if you edit any of the Value properties for one of the controls (e.g., the Minimum or the Default value), these are automatically changed in all the other controls that references the same Data element.

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