Randomly Sampling Fracture Network Files

The Fracture Network A complex network of one-dimensional conduits used by a Network Pathway to describe contaminant transport through fractured rock systems. dialog allows you to define multiple fracture networks:

The current fracture network number being viewed, and the total number of fracture networks defined, are listed at the top of the dialog ("Network X of Y"). You can add and delete new fracture networks using the Add Network and Delete Network buttons. The Previous and Next buttons allow you to move between the existing fracture networks that you have defined.

If you define multiple fracture networks, you can tell GoldSim to randomly sample one of them each realization A single model run within a Monte Carlo simulation. It represents one possible path the system could follow through time. by specifying a Random variable to select fracture network in the main Network pathway A transport pathway element that provides a computationally efficient way to simulate large, complex networks of one-dimensional conduits in order to describe contaminant transport through fractured rock systems. dialog. If you specify a single fracture network, this input is ignored. Otherwise, this value is used to select the fracture network that is used for a particular realization. In particular, the value is rounded up to the nearest integer, and that integer identifies the fracture set to use for the realization. For example, if you defined three fracture sets, defining the Random variable to select fracture network as a uniform distribution between 0 and 3 would result, on average, in all three fracture networks having an equal probability of occurrence. If you had defined multiple fracture networks, but wished to run a simulation in which only a particular one was used, you would simply enter the number of that fracture set (as a constant).

Warning: If Random variable to select fracture network is entered (or realized) as a number which is invalid (i.e., negative or greater than the number of fracture networks), GoldSim will use the first fracture network.