Combining and Splitting Fluxes to Create Single Sources and Sinks

The portion of the Network pathway dialog labeled "Mass Transport" contains two inputs which control the manner in which mass fluxes are mapped to pipes in the Network pathway:

Combine flux inputs to pathway:  If this box is checked, GoldSim will combine the mass fluxes for all mass flux links to the Network pathway into a single vector. GoldSim allocates the incoming flux vector to the Source pipes in the fracture network in proportion to their flow rates.  (In this situation, the source names need not correspond to existing pathways, as the name is used only to identify the pipe as a source, not to direct the incoming mass).

If the checkbox is cleared,  the mass flux links are passed separately to the Network pathway and each entry in the Source column must be an existing pathway with a mass flux link that discharges mass to the Network pathway (or "-source-" to indicate an initial/boundary condition,  if there are no mass flux links).

Split single flux output from pathway:   If this box is checked, GoldSim creates a single mass vector by summing all of the fluxes from Sink pipes, and then distributes the mass to the specified Outflow pathways in proportion to the specified flow rates for the links.   (In this situation, the sink names need not correspond to existing pathways, as the name is used only to identify the pipe as a sink, not to direct the outgoing mass).    

If the checkbox is cleared, GoldSim expects that the Network pathway will pass a separate vector for each specified Outflow, and any entry in the Sink column of the Fracture Network editing dialog must be an existing pathway with a mass flux link that receives mass from the Network pathway.

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