Using File Elements to Access a
File on a Network
A File element An element whose purpose is to simply control copies of auxiliary files that may be required by External elements and Spreadsheet elements. can be used to ensure that support files which are stored on a network are accessed for use in a simulation, and to provide an "audit trail" of the file transfer.
When used in this way, the Element ID for the File element is used as a key to access a record in a specifically formatted database referred to as an Extended GoldSim database. This record provides a network path-name for the source file, and also provides an integrity-checking code for the file (to ensure that the file was copied with no errors).
To use a File element in this way, the Database box must be checked, and you must enter the data source A source of data external to your GoldSim model that can be automatically imported into GoldSim elements. External data sources are either spreadsheets, text files, databases or DLLs. name associated with an Extended GoldSim database. Before using GoldSim's database features you must first define all available databases on your computer using Control Panel's 32-bit ODBC Data Sources option. This allows you to define a name for each data source, and link it to a specific database file.
When the Download Now button is pressed, or when a global database download is carried out, GoldSim locates the source file and makes a copy of it. The Local file name input field defines the local destination for the copy of the source file. If the local file already exists, it is automatically overwritten.
After copying, the CRC signature of the downloaded file is compared to that of the file entered in the database to ensure the integrity of the data transfer. (The CRC signature is an alphanumeric code that can be used to uniquely identify whether the file's contents have changed.) If the codes are different, the download is treated as having failed.
As is the case for other Extended GoldSim database records, you can optionally Select most recent value no later than, in which case GoldSim will interrogate the database for the most current version of the source file dated on or prior to that date. If this field is left blank, GoldSim will use the default effective date, as specified in the GS_Parameter table. Details in the format of the Extended GoldSim database are provided in Appendix E of the GoldSim User’s Guide.