Special Functions
GoldSim provides the following specialized mathematical functions:
D: A distribution output.
V: A scalar value.
X, Y: A value. Can be a scalar or an array.
E, F: A value or a condition. Can be a scalar or an array.
C: Must be a condition. C can be an array or scalar; if it is an array, then the “if” test is done on a term-by-term basis and either E or F (or both) must be an array with the same set of array labels as C. If C is scalar, E and F can be either scalar, arrays of the same order (entire array is then selected), or one can be an array and one can be a scalar (in which case the scalar is treated as an array of identical values).
P: A value between 0 and 1, inclusive. Can be a scalar or an array.
P1, Old, Target: A scalar value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
Width: A scalar value between 10-6 and 0.5, inclusive.
nu: A positive integer. Can be a scalar or an array.
Z: A value or a condition. Must be a scalar.
T: Must be a discrete event signal.
Note: If the argument to the changed() function is a Run Property that conceptually cycles (e.g., Hour), and your timestep is such that the actual value remains unchanged (e.g., Changed(Hour), with a 1 day timestep), GoldSim will still consider that the argument has changed (since the fact that it remains unchanged is simply an artifact of timestepping).
Note: The three importance sampling functions (ImpProb, ImpWeight and ImpOld) are used to carry out customized importance sampling of Stochastic elements.