Running a Model and Viewing Results

The topics listed below provide a very brief overview of running a model and viewing results. If you are just getting started with GoldSim, they will provide you with enough basic information to run and view the results of simple models. They also provide links to more detailed discussion of these topics.

GoldSim is a dynamic simulator, which means that your model can evolve and change with time. In order to carry out a dynamic simulation, GoldSim steps through time in discrete intervals (referred to as timesteps).

Calculations are carried out every timestep A discrete interval of time used in dynamic simulations.. In GoldSim, you specify the duration of the simulation (e.g., 1 year) and the length of timestep to use (e.g., 1 day).

The appropriate timestep length is a function of how rapidly the system represented by your model is changing: the more rapidly it is changing, the shorter the timestep required to accurately model the system. GoldSim allows you to change the timestep during a simulation (e.g., use short timesteps at early times when things are changing rapidly, and larger timesteps at later times).