Not Elements

Not elements are very simple. They perform a logical Not operation on a single input argument.

That is, the output of a Not element A logical element that performs a logical Not operation on a list of conditions and outputs a condition. is simply the opposite of its conditional input. Although this can also be done using an Expression, a Not element explicitly illustrates the operation being carried out, increasing the transparency of your model and allowing you to create easy-to-read conditional logic diagrams.

The properties dialog for a Not element looks like this:

The input to a Not element must be a scalar An output consisting of a single value or condition. condition. It can, however, be an expression. Not elements have a single output, which is also a scalar condition. If the input to a Not is True, the output is False; if the input is False, the output is True.

An example model which uses the Not element, as well as other logical elements (Logical.gsm) can be found in the General Examples folder in your GoldSim directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu).