Inserting an Element Using the Context Menu of the Graphics Pane

The steps involved to insert a new element using the context menu of the graphics pane The primary portion of the GoldSim interface, where the graphical depiction of the model is shown. are as follows:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the graphics pane away from an object (i.e., in an empty part of the screen). A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  2. Place your cursor over the Insert Basic Element item to expand the menu. All of the GoldSim elements are listed by category.

  3. Click on the element type that you wish to insert.
  4. The properties dialog for the element is displayed.
  5. Enter the properties for the element and press OK.

The element will be inserted in the graphics pane with its upper-left corner at the location of the cursor when you right-clicked.