Hot-keys for Quickly Creating and Editing Scripts

GoldSim provides a number of hot-keys for accessing common Script element functions directly from the keyboard:

Hot-key Description
Ctrl+D Inserts a Variable Definition statement
Ctrl+A Inserts a Variable Assignment statement
Ctrl+I Inserts If-Else statement block
Ctrl+F Inserts FOR loop statement block
Ctrl+O Inserts DO loop statement block
Ctrl+P Inserts REPEAT-UNTIL loop statement block
Ctrl+W Inserts WHILE loop statement block
Ctrl+M Inserts a Comments statement
Ctrl+L Inserts a Log Message statement
Ctrl+N Inserts a Log Warning statement
Ctrl+R Inserts a Log Error statement
Ctrl+Delete Deletes selected statement(s)
Ctrl+Shift+Delete Deletes all statements
Cursor Up Select previous statement
Cursor Down Select next statement
Ctrl+Cursor Up Selects first statement
Ctrl+Cursor Down Selects last statement
Alt+Enter Edits active statement (opens dialog)
Ctrl+Shift+Cursor Up Moves active statement up by one row
Ctrl+Shift+Cursor Down Moves active statement down by one row

In addition to these, several additional hot-keys are used for debugging scripts.

Note: If you use one of the statement insertion hot-keys, the statement(s) will be inserted immediately after the active line of the script. If you use one of the insertion hot-key combinations while holding down the shift key, the inserted statement(s) will appear before rather than after the active line.
Note: When inserting statement blocks (e.g., If-Else statement, For loops), you can select one or more statements in an existing script (by left-clicking and dragging the line numbers), and when you use insertion hot-keys, GoldSim will "wrap" the statement block around the selected statements. Note, however, that this requires that the selection is a logically complete block of code (e.g., you could not select a portion of another loop).