Defining and Editing Resource Types

You define or edit Resource Something that has a limited supply (e.g., spare parts, fuel, skilled personnel, money) and is required in order for elements of the modeled system to carry out certain actions. types by using the Resource Manager, which is accessed via the main menu (Model | Resources...). The following dialog will be displayed:

Pressing the Add... button displays the following dialog for defining a new Resource Type:

Each Resource Type requires a unique Resource ID. Resource IDs follow the same rules as elements names (e.g., no spaces, letters, only numbers and the underscore character can be used; cannot start with a number). You should also provide a brief Description.

A Resource has the following attributes:

Type: This can be "Continuous" or "Items". Continuous should be used for things that are not discrete (e.g., fuel). Items should be specified for things that are discrete (e.g., parts, personnel).

Units: If the Resource is specified as Continuous, in most cases you will want to specify units (e.g., m3, kg). If the Resource is specified as Items, units are not applicable.

Order: A Resource can be defined as a scalar An output consisting of a single value or condition. or a vector A one-dimensional array.. Defining a Resource as a vector is most useful, for example, if you have a large number of individual parts. Defining these as a vector is much easier than defining a separate Resource for each part.

Labels: If you define the Resource as a vector, you need to specify a set of Array Labels A collection of labels identifying the items of an array. from the Labels drop-list.

Note: The bottom part of the dialog provides an option to create a ”Global Store" of this particular Resource. This is discussed in detail in the next topic.

If multiple Resource Types are defined, you can move between them using the Previous and Next buttons.

After you have finished defining the Resource, press the OK button to return to the Resource Manager dialog:

You can delete and edit existing Resource Types using the Delete and Edit buttons, respectively.

Note: If a selected Resource Type is being used by an element in the model, or has a Local Store defined, GoldSim will display an error message if you try to delete it. You can only delete Resource Types that are not being used.

The Up and Down buttons move Resources up and down the list (this is simply cosmetic; the order in which they are listed has no impact).

Note that you can also access the Resource Manager by right-clicking in the graphics pane The primary portion of the GoldSim interface, where the graphical depiction of the model is shown. at the top level of the model and selecting Properties. The Resource Manager is available as a tab on the Model Properties dialog: