Creating an XML Model Inventory File

You can create a simple XML file that can be viewed in a text editor, browser An alternative view of a GoldSim model, in which elements are displayed in a tree, and organized either hierarchically, or by type. or XML editor that echoes out all of the elements in a GoldSim model. This file contains the name, type, description and path for each element, and specifically illustrates the model hierarchy. With one exception, however, the file does not include the definition (e.g., input values, units) for any elements (it does include this information for all Data elements in the model).

You can create this file by selecting File | Save Inventory... from the main menu.

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It was designed as a software and hardware independent tool to store and transport data such that it is both human- and machine-readable. Like HTML, XML uses tags. However, unlike HTML, XML does not have predefined tags. Rather, the author defines custom tags (as well as the document structure).

The general concept behind XML is to create a tree structure which starts at a root object and branches to child object. Such a structure, of course, is ideal for displaying the hierarchical design of a GoldSim model.

Objects that contain other tags as "contents" (such as Containers in GoldSim) are identified and formed by using opening and closing tags. The closing tag is identical to the opening tab with a forward slash (e.g., <Global>, </Global>).

The tags used by GoldSim are as follows:

Tag Description
<GSM> Opening and closing tags for entire file.
<Global> Demarcates global information regarding file. <File>, <Author>, <Created> and <Modified> tags are always inside <Global> opening and closing tags.
<File> GoldSim filename and path.
<Author> Model Author.
<Created> Date and time GoldSim file was created.
<Modified> Date and time GoldSim file was last modified.
<Model> Demarcates information defining the model itself. <Container An element that acts like a "box" or a "folder" into which other elements can be placed. It can be used to create hierarchical models.>, <Elements>, and <Element> tags are always inside <Model> opening and closing tags.
<Container> A GoldSim Container. This tag also includes a number of properties (e.g., the Container name).
<Elements> Demarcates a list of elements inside a GoldSim Container.
<Element> A GoldSim element. This tag also includes a number of properties (e.g., the element name).

As pointed out above, with one exception, the file does not include the definition (e.g., input values, units) for any elements. It does, however, include this information for Data elements. To facilitate this, several additional tags are only used to describe Data elements (these are nested inside the <Element> tag):

Tag Description
<Input> An input field. This tag also includes a number of properties (e.g., the input name, the type - Value or Condition, and the units).
<Equation> The expression entered into the input field.
<Row> For arrays, the row of the array A collection of variables that share common output attributes and can be manipulated in GoldSim elements or input expressions.. This tag also includes a property (id) identifying the row item ID
<Column> For 2-D arrays (matrices), the column of the array. This tag also includes a property (id) identifying the column item ID

The best way to illustrate this is to examine a very simple model file. Consider the following simple model (as illustrated in the browser):

In this model, Container1 contains Container2, which contains a Reservoir A stock element that integrates and conserves flows of materials. named Pond, an Expression named X, a scalar An output consisting of a single value or condition. Data element An input element intended to represent constant inputs in a model. named ScalarD, and a vector A one-dimensional array. Data element named VectorD (this element uses an Array Label Set named "Region" that has three items: East, North and South).

XML files can be viewed in any text editor. The "raw" XML Model Inventory file for the model above as viewed as text looks like this:

The XML Model Inventory file can be viewed in most browsers, and by default will look similar to this (this is viewed using Chrome):

Note that when viewing an XML file in a browser, you can expand and collapse branches of the tree. In Chrome, this is done using the arrowheads at each branch. In the example above, all the branches are expanded.

As can be seen, the file structure is quite simple. The following should be noted:

TypeID Element TypeID Element TypeID Element
0 Container 25 File 200 Pipe Pathway
1 Data 26 Dashboard 201 Cell Pathway
2 Integrator 27 Milestone 202 Species
3 Expression 28 Status 203 Receptor
7 Stochastic 29 Not 204 Source
8 Event Delay 30 Material Delay 205 Reference Fluid
9 Decision 31 Information Delay 206 Fluid
11 Selector 32 Discrete Change Delay 207 Solid
12 Reservoir 33 Triggered Event 208 External Pathway
13 Time History Result 36 Convolution 209 Network Pathway
14 External 37 Lookup Table 210 Fracture Set
15 Timed Event 38 Previous Value 211 CellNet Generator
16 Discrete Change 39 Random Choice 212 Aquifer Pathway
17 Array Result 40 SubModel 340 Function (RL)
18 Mult-Variate Result 41 History Generator 341 Action (RL)
19 Distribution Result 42 Splitter 380 Insurance
20 Spreadsheet 43 Allocator 381 Fund
21 And 44 Interrupt 382 Cash Flow
22 Or 45 Time Series 383 Investment
23 Sum 46 Script 384 Option
24 Extrema 48 Pool

Data elements provide more details than the other elements. In particular, every Data element has an <Input> tag that is nested inside the <Element> tag that has the following format:

There are many online tools available for viewing XML files with default formatting. If you want to customize the formatting of your XML file (to make it more readable), follow the steps outlined in this article within the Help Center: