Understanding Congruent Dissolution of the Waste Matrix

The third (and most advanced) option for defining matrix degradation rates in the Source Inventories dialog is to assume that the matrix degrades based on solubility-limited dissolution.

To simulate this, GoldSim identifies the largest single species The chemical (or non-chemical, such as bacterial or viral) constituents that are stored and transported through an environmental system in a contaminant transport model. In GoldSim, the Species element defines all of the contaminant species being simulated (and their properties). in the inventory, and treats this as the matrix material. Upon barrier failure, the matrix is then degraded at a rate that keeps the matrix species at its solubility limit within all Inventory Cells (at least until the matrix is completely dissolved). All other species are then exposed congruently (i.e., based on the ratio of mass of species to the mass of matrix A two-dimensional array. species).

This method more accurately represents that actual degradation process for many types of systems in which the degradation rate is a function of 1) the matrix material's solubility; and 2) the rate of transport of dissolved matrix material away from the waste package. For systems that have low flow rates, this process of solubility and transport-limited matrix degradation can represent a significant barrier to release of contaminant species. It would also be difficult, if not impossible, to capture this process accurately using one of the other two matrix degradation methods.

There are requirements that must be met in order to use this option:

An overview of the solution algorithm is discussed in Appendix E of the Contaminant Transport Module User’s Guide.