Learning to Use GoldSim

Although GoldSim’s intuitive interface will tempt you to simply dive in and start playing with the software, you are strongly discouraged from doing so, even if you are an experienced modeler.  Spending time up front (by following the steps outlined below) is the most efficient way to understand the software’s features and capabilities and start building models in GoldSim. 

1.  Take the GoldSim Tutorial.  The GoldSim Tutorial is by selecting Help | Tutorial… from the main GoldSim menu.  The GoldSim Tutorial presents the basic concepts on which GoldSim is based and provides an overview of GoldSim’s key features and capabilities.  After taking the Tutorial  (which takes perhaps one or two hours), you will have sufficient understanding to start using the software, and will get more out of the information presented in the Help topics. This is the minimum that you must do before using GoldSim.

2.  Take the Online “Introduction to GoldSim” Training Course. Although the Tutorial is of value to quickly get an overview of GoldSim, it provides a very simple overview of only the most basic GoldSim concepts. The best and most effective way to learn GoldSim is to take a full training course.  A free “hands-on” online Training Course is available that will provide you with a thorough understanding of the key concepts on which GoldSim is based and all of the fundamentals required to build complex models of nearly any kind of system.  That is, it does not simply focus on the mechanics of using the GoldSim software; just as importantly, it explains the fundamental concepts underlying dynamic, probabilistic simulation in general.

Because the Course is quite thorough, it will likely take as long as 40 hours to complete. Of course, if you are already somewhat familiar with simulation (and/or have a strong quantitative background), you may in fact be able to cover the material in considerably less than 40 hours.

You can take the Course at your own pace (and the site will remember where you last left off). If you are new to simulation, the ideal pace is probably to spend perhaps just a couple hours per day with the Course.  This then provides you with an opportunity to give some considered thought to the information that was presented, and prevent “information overload”.

Although taking the Course is time-consuming, over the long-term it is by far the most efficient way to learn to use the software.  Trying to learn a complex and powerful software tool such as GoldSim on your own by simply experimenting and consulting the reference material is likely to take far in excess of 40 hours, and by doing so, you will likely not discover many of GoldSim’s most powerful features.

You can find the Course here:


3.  Request your free one hour web-based training session. When you purchase GoldSim, you are entitled to a free one hour, live web-based training session in which one of our analysts provides an interactive training session via the Internet and telephone.  You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this free training.

4.  Open and explore the Example Files. When you install GoldSim, a folder labeled "General Examples" is installed with the program. (You can quickly access these files by selecting File|Open Example… from the main GoldSim menu). The example model files show how to use each of the elements (the examples are referenced in the Help system and User’s Guide where the element is introduced). These example model files are an excellent way to begin to experiment with GoldSim. While exploring the files, use GoldSim’s context-sensitive Help (i.e., the Help button in each dialog) to access a detailed discussion of the element. (Note that these example files are installed in such a way that to edit and save them, you must “Save As”, which prevents the original files from being overwritten).

5.  Download Example Files from the Model Library.  The GoldSim website contains a Model Library with a number of models illustrating how GoldSim can be used for particular applications.  These models tend to be more complex than the simple example files found in the General Examples folder, but still relatively simple. Again, while exploring the files, use GoldSim’s context-sensitive Help (i.e., the Help button in each dialog) to learn more about particular elements or features utilized in the model.

6.  Browse the User’s Guide or Help System.  GoldSim has a large number of features, and you will not discover all of them by experimenting with simple example models.  To fully utilize GoldSim’s powerful features, browse through the User’s Guide, using the index and table of contents as your guide.  Each section of the User’s Guide is heavily cross-referenced, so it is easy to just jump around.  Note that the Help system contains all of the contents of the User’s Guide, with the exception of the technical appendices.

7.  Contact us with questions.  When you purchase GoldSim, you are entitled to one year of free support. This does not include assistance in building and debugging your models, but it does include answering questions on how to use GoldSim’s features, so feel free to contact us! The best way to do so is through the GoldSim Help Center.

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