Exporting Availability and Reliability Summary Results

GoldSim allows you to export a report with summary statistics (Operational Availability, Inherent Availability and Reliability) to Microsoft Excel from Reliability elements.

You can select which elements are to be exported (i.e., Summary statistics do not need to be exported for all Reliability elements).  To indicate that you wish to export the Summary statistics for a particular Reliability element, you simply check the Participate in global export of reliability results option in the “Analysis Options” portion of the Results tab for the element:

   Note: Cloning and versioning are not supported for the Participate in global export of reliability results option.

To enable the global export, select Model|Options from the main menu, click on the Reliability tab of the dialog, and check the Enable global reliability results export option (in the bottom half of the dialog):

You must then specify an Excel spreadsheet filename and the sheet where failure mode data is to be exported.  The spreadsheet does not have to exist (if it does not exist, GoldSim will create it). For existing spreadsheet files, the Sheet Name drop down will show all sheets in the specified worksheet along with an “Append New Sheet (Date and Time as sheet)” option.  If this is selected, GoldSim will create a new sheet, with the Date and Time as the sheet name.

If a spreadsheet filename is specified but does not yet exist, the “Append New Sheet (Date and Time as sheet)” option is the only option. 

The Confirm before overwriting the contents of an existing sheet option prompts the user if data in an existing sheet will be overwritten by exported data.   The Automatically generate report after simulation option will automatically export results at the conclusion of the simulation.   If this option is cleared, data can be exported manually in Result Mode using the Export Now button.

When results are exported, the format is as follows:

   The first 6 rows provide run information (e.g. GoldSim version, filename, etc.)

   Rows 7 through 9 are headers

   Column A: Element path

   Column B: Element ID

   Column C: Operational Availability (5%)

   Column D: Operational Availability (Mean)

   Column E: Operational Availability (95%)

   Column F: Inherent Availability (5%)

   Column G: Inherent Availability (Mean)

   Column H: Inherent Availability (95%)

   Column I: Reliability (5%)

   Column J: Reliability (Mean)

   Column K: Reliability (95%)

   Column L: Mean Time to Failure

   Column M: Mean Time to Repair

   Note: GoldSim exports the results sorted alphabetically first by path, and then by Element ID.

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