Example: Using Reliability Elements to Model Failing Pumps

The model file Pond.gsm, found in the Reliability Examples folder in your GoldSim directory directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu), is a simple model of a pond where the amount of water is controlled by three pumps.  Water flows into the pond at a rate of 400m3/day, and it is pumped out of the pond by the three pumps.  

A close up of a map

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In this model, we have a pond with an inflow rate of approximately 600 m3/day (the inflow is sampled daily from a Normal distribution with a mean of 600 m3/day and a SD of 100 m3/day).  

Three pumps are used to remove this water.   Each pump can only be operated if there is a sufficient depth of water in the pond (which varies from pump to pump). Pump_1 can only operate if there is more than 1.0m of water in the pond. Pump_2 can only operate if there is more than 2.0m of water in the pond. Pump_3 can only operate if there is more than 2.5m of water in the pond.  The check to ensure sufficient water depth is done using a Condition type node in the External Requirements tree referencing the Water_Level element. 

All three pumps can remove 300 m3/day and have an Exponential/Poisson failure mode with a failure rate of 1/3yr that is automatically repaired according to a Gamma distributed delay with a mean of 30 days and standard deviation of 10 days.   The calculation of the water removed from the pond by the pumps is done using a series of if/then/else statements referencing the condition of each pump.   For example, the contribution of Pump_1 is calculated using the following if/then/else statement:

if (Pump_1 = RL_Operating, 300 m3/day, 0 m3/day)

The result of this statement is added to the result of similar statements for Pump_2 and Pump_3 to determine the Rate of Withdrawal from the Pond element.

The time history of the water level in the pond over the course of the simulation looks like this:

A screenshot of a social media post

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The plot shows that for the most part, the level of the pond is controlled at about 2.4 meters.  However, spikes as high as 8 meters can occur when the pumps fail.

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