Using SubModels to Embed Models Within Models

In some cases, you may want to embed an entire GoldSim model within another GoldSim model. GoldSim provides a special element called a SubModel to facilitate this. 

A SubModel superficially looks like a Container, and conceptually shares some aspects with Containers.  However, the functionality of a SubModel is quite different from a Container. Whereas a Container is simply a grouping of elements within a model, a SubModel is a completely separate "inner" model within an "outer" model.  That is, it has its own simulation settings (time and Monte Carlo options) that are independent of the simulation settings of the outer GoldSim model within which the SubModel element is placed.  Hence, when a SubModel element (i.e., the inner model) is triggered to do a calculation by the outer model, it runs a complete simulation.

The topics below provide the details on the use of SubModels in GoldSim.

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