Specifying Discrete Additions and Withdrawals to a Pool

In addition to continuous Inflows and Outflow Requests, Pools can also accept discrete changes. In particular, Pools actually compute their Quantity by accounting for discrete changes as follows:

Discrete Additions and Withdrawals are specified by checking the Additions and/or Withdrawals boxes (in the Discrete Additions & Withdrawal Requests section) and by specifying a link to a discrete change signal with an Add instruction:

Note that if you check a Additions or Withdrawals checkbox, GoldSim will add new outputs to the element (for Additions, Discrete_Overflow if there is an Upper Bound defined, and for Withdrawals, Discrete_Withdrawals).

An example model which illustrates the use of a discrete additions and withdrawals for a Pool element (PoolAdvanced.gsm) can be found in the General Examples/Stocks folder in your GoldSim directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu).

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