Specialized Uses for Result Elements

Result elements have special capabilities that do not exist for the corresponding interactive result:

   Result elements can be opened (via a button) or embedded directly into Dashboards.

   Time history results for simulations with multiple realizations can only be displayed for outputs that are referenced by Time History Result elements.

   Time History. Final Value and Distribution Result elements can be used to display Scenario results.

   Time History Result elements can be specified to export time history results (i.e., model outputs) to spreadsheets and text files automatically at the end of a simulation.

   Time History Result elements can be specified to plot results based on Reporting Periods.

   Time History Result elements within a parent model can be used to display time history results from inside a SubModel.

   Distribution Result elements within a parent model can be used to display nested Monte Carlo simulation results generated using a SubModel.

   Time History Result elements can be specified to display results at unscheduled update points.

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