Overview: Key Features of Final Value Results

The examples provided in the other “overview” topics (listed below) do not cover all of the combinations of results that you can display (e.g., we did not show examples of displaying arrays or results for different Capture Times), but what you should conclude from this overview is the following:

   The Final Value result is very flexible, and allows you to produce a variety of charts and tables to display results at the end of the simulation (Final Values) or at defined Capture Times.

   At their most complex level, charts can display up to two “dimensions” of results from higher dimensional data sets (e.g., multiple outputs and multiple statistics for a single scenario; multiple outputs and multiple scenarios for a single statistic, multiple statistics and multiple scenarios for single output).

   Tables can display the full data set selected (by increasing the number of columns).

   The various charts and tables can be displayed and rearranged in a wide variety of ways, giving you great flexibility to emphasize specific aspects of the results.

A simple example file which illustrates the various final value displays (FinalValue.gsm) is in the General Examples folder in your GoldSim directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu).

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