Local and Global Containers

Each Container in a model is either global or local. The contents of a global Container can be "seen" (referenced) by any other element in the model. The contents of a local Container can typically only be referenced by other elements inside the Container.

By default, Containers are global. Containers can be localized by selecting the Localization feature in the Container dialog, or by right-clicking on the Container and selecting Localize. In addition, when you paste a Container, GoldSim will localize it if the names of elements inside the pasted Container conflict with element names at the location where it is being pasted.

You can recognize a localized Container in three ways:

   The triangle in the upper left hand corner of the Container's symbol in the graphics pane is red (instead of blue).

   The icon for the Container in the browsers and the default symbol for the Container in the graphics pane is a closed box (rather than an open box):

This symbol is only used for simple Containers.  Localized SubSystems use a different symbol but retain the red triangle.

   The tool-tip for the Container shows that it is Localized.

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