Copying, Moving, and Deleting Elements

You can cut, copy and paste elements to and from the Windows clipboard using the Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V keys, respectively. Elements can be deleted by selecting the element and pressing the Delete key. These actions can also be carried out from the main menu (under Edit) or from the context menus for elements and the graphics pane.

Multiple elements can be selected, and then cut or copied to the clipboard and pasted. You can also cut or copy an entire Container, in which case the Container and all of its contents will be copied to the clipboard.

   Warning: When you paste an element, GoldSim will append a number to the name if it conflicts with an element at the location where it is being pasted. When you paste an entire Container, GoldSim will automatically localize the Container if the names of elements inside the pasted Container conflict with those at the location where it is being pasted. Elements with the same name will conflict if they are located in the same scope. Localizing a Container changes the scope of its contents.

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