Controlling the Appearance of the Graphics Pane in a Container

The Graphics tab of the Container dialog provides access to options for controlling the appearance of elements inside the Container:

The top portion of the dialog (the Graphics Pane section) is used to define the size of the graphics pane, a background color for the graphics pane, and whether or not a grid is displayed.

The bottom portion of the dialog (the Influences section) is used to specify the default shapes for influences in the Container, and to define whether and in what manner influences within the Container are filtered (hidden).  The options in this portion of the dialog are quite important, as they can be used to ensure that your models are easier to view and understand.

   Note: The graphical properties are of particular interest for the Model Container, as they allow you to control the appearance of the entire model. You can view the properties of the Model Container by double-clicking on it in the browser or by right-clicking anywhere in the graphics pane (when viewing the Model Container) and selecting Properties….

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