Advanced Time Series Options

GoldSim provides five advanced options for defining and using Time Series elements:

   You can enter historic time series data and then instruct GoldSim to adjust the time/date column (time shift) in a specified way for each simulation (e.g., in order to start at a random point in the data series, or to shift the series forward so that historic dates are appropriately mapped onto the simulated dates).

   You can specify multiple sets of time series data within a single Time Series element, and then specify which series is to be used for any particular simulation. For example, this allows different time series data to be used for each separate realization in a Monte Carlo simulation.

   You can read the output of any other element in GoldSim, and "record" the results, and then "play them back" in a subsequent run of the model. Among other applications, this can be used to copy results from one model and use them as inputs for another.

   You can link to a "time series definition" that was output by another Time Series element within an embedded SubModel or from an external function (a DLL). The primary application of this advanced option is to transfer time history data between SubModels.

These features are discussed in detail in the topics below.

Many of these advanced features are accessed by pressing the More button on the Time Series dialog, which provides access to the “Advanced” section of the dialog:

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