Viewing a Source in the Browser

The browser view of a Source is shown below:

Because a Source is also a Container, in the browser, the contents of the Container are shown.  The actual properties of the Source (the inputs and outputs) are shown within a Properties folder.

   Note: Element inputs and outputs are only shown in the browser if you choose to Show element subitems (accessed via the browser context menu by right-clicking in the browser).

Within the Properties folder, the primary inputs for the Source (number of packages, Discrete failed packages, and fractions to Inventory Cells) are listed first.  Note that the Species input also appears.  The Species input is automatically linked to the nearest Species element when the Source is created.  This link cannot be changed using the Link Cursor, and is displayed for information purposes only.

The Source's outputs are listed next.

Below the outputs, the inputs defining the outer barrier and inner barrier failure modes are contained in folders.  Each failure mode has a separate folder.  Finally, the Inventory inputs are listed in a folder.

Following the Inventory folders, the contents of the Source Container are listed.

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