Representing Stoichiometry

GoldSim specifically allows you to define stoichiometry for reactions.

For example, suppose one wished to simulate the following reaction within GoldSim:

     3A  + 2B ⇒ 2C + 3D

which can be written equivalently as

     A  + 2/3 B ⇒ 2/3 C + D

Assume here that the rate law is as follows:

     d[A]/dt = -k [A]3 [B]2

In this case, we could rewrite the rate law with respect to A as:

     d[A]/dt = -{k  (cA/MWA )2  (cB /MWB) 2} [A]= -kA'  [A]

Similarly, we could rewrite the rate law with respect to B as:

     d[B]/dt = -{(2/3) k (cA/MWA)3  (cB/MWB)} [B] = -kB' [B]

where kA' represents a pseudo first-order rate constant with respect to A, and kB' represents a pseudo first-order rate constant with respect to B.  This reaction would then be simulated within GoldSim as follows:

1.  Specify the decay rate for A as the function kA' ;

2.  Define C and D as daughters of A, with a specified stoichiometric ratio of 2/3 for C and 1 for D; and

3.  Specify the decay rate for B as the function kB', with no daughter products.

   Note: In order to model reactants, you must have the RT Module.  If you are using the CT Module, you can model decay, but cannot model any reactants.

   Note: GoldSim only allows four daughter products to be specified.  Hence, this limits the number of reaction products which can be simulated to (4)*(the number of reactants).

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