Placing Pathways in Conditional or Looping Containers

GoldSim allows you to create conditional Containers. This allows you to make the Container and all of its contents inactive when specific conditions are met.  Elements in an inactive Container are “dormant”.  There are some special rules that govern the use of CT/RT elements in conditional Containers:

   Even if a Species or Media (Fluid or Solid) element is in an inactive Container, these elements are never deactivated.  If one of these elements is inside an inactive Container, the element will ignore this fact. 

   Species elements and Pathway elements can exist within a conditional Container, but you cannot deactivate the Container.  That is, these elements can start in Containers that are initially inactive, but cannot exist in Containers that start active, and subsequently deactivate.  Trying to deactivate a Container with a Pathway or a Species element will result in a Fatal Error.

   Source elements cannot be activated or deactivated during a simulation. If a Source is located within a conditional Container, the Container must be set to inactive or active at the beginning of the simulation and its status cannot change during the simulation.

   If an active Pathway is linked (via an outflow) to a Pathway that is initially inactive, a Fatal Error will be displayed

   If a Pathway is initially inactive, no decay calculations are carried out within the Pathway until it is activated.

In addition, although GoldSim does not specifically prevent it, Cells in the same cell net should never be spread between active and inactive Containers, as this is likely to lead to unrealistic behavior and results.

GoldSim also allows you to create looping Containers that carry out iterative calculations.  As a general rule, you should not place any CT/RT elements in a looping Container.

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