How GoldSim Simulates Decay

Mathematically, if A decays to B, GoldSim computes the rate of change of mass (at a particular location) as follows:

dMA/dt = - MA DA

dMB/dt =   MA DA RBA WB / WA


M= the mass of species A (mass);
dMA/dt  = the rate of change of species A (mass/time);
dMB/dt = the rate of change of species B (mass/time);
DA = decay rate of species A (1/time);
RBA = stoichiometry (moles B produced per moles A decayed);
WA = molecular (or atomic) weight of species A; and
WB = molecular (or atomic) weight of species B.

   Note: The accuracy of the decay algorithm in GoldSim is a function of the solution precision setting (high, medium or low) defined in the Contaminant Transport tab of the Options dialog (accessed from the main menu by selecting Model | Options).

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