Contaminant Transport Module Technical Appendices

The Contaminant Transport User’s Guide includes five appendices. These appendices are not included in this Help system. The appendices are included in the User’s Guide, which is available for download (as a PDF file) from the GoldSim website.

The five appendices contain of the following information:

   Appendix A: Introduction to Environmental Simulation.  This appendix provides an overview of basic environmental simulation concepts, and is primarily intended for novice contaminant transport modelers.

   Appendix B: Details of Pathway Computations.  This appendix presents the theoretical basis and mathematical details of the transport pathways.

   Appendix C: Implementing External (DLL) Pathways.  This appendix provides instructions for those users who wish to directly link external contaminant transport codes into a GoldSim transport pathway network.

   Appendix D: Network Pathway File Format. This appendix describes the file format which can be used to import data from a discrete fracture network model into a specialized pathway in GoldSim that allows you to simulate complex pathways in fractured rock.

   Appendix E: Details of Source Computations. This appendix presents the theoretical basis and mathematical details of the contaminant sources.

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