This topics below provide an introduction to and a "quick tour" of the GoldSim Contaminant Transport Module. They present the basic concepts of how contaminant transport is simulated in GoldSim, provide an overview of the features and capabilities of the program, summarize the specialized elements associated with the module, and outline the steps required to build a contaminant transport model for an environmental system.
Note: If you read nothing else
in this help file regarding the Contaminant Transport Module before starting to
use it, it is strongly recommended that you read these topics, as it they tell
you what the module is capable of doing, provide an overview of how to build a
contaminant transport model, and direct you to those portions of the help file
where you can obtain further information.
Learn more about:
Modeling Contaminant Transport Using GoldSim: Basic Concepts
Features and Capabilities of Transport Pathways
What Does the Contaminant Transport Module Add to the GoldSim User Interface?
Building a Contaminant Transport Model in GoldSim
Using Features of the GoldSim Simulation Framework in Contaminant Transport Models