Adding and Editing Fluids and Solids

Although you cannot add additional Reference Fluids to your model (except as clones), you can add as many Fluids and Solids as desired.  To add a new Fluid or Solid:

1.  Select Model | Insert Element| Contaminant Transport | Fluid (or) Solid from the main menu OR Select Insert Element| Contaminant Transport | Fluid (or) Solid from the context menu of a Container or the graphics pane.

2.  Enter the Element ID and description.

3.  Define the properties of the medium.

To edit an existing fluid or solid:

1.  Double-click on the element in the graphics pane or the browser to access the editing dialog.

2.  Define the properties of the medium.

In addition to using the editing dialog, you can also edit the properties of a medium by directly creating links to the various inputs, either in the input interface of the element in the graphics pane or the browser, using the Link Cursor.

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