Overview of Event Elements

Another category of elements allows you to superimpose the occurrence and effects of discrete events onto continuously varying systems:

Element Default Symbol Browser Icon Function
Timed Event Generates discrete event signals based on a specified rate of occurrence, regularly or according to a specified distribution (i.e., randomly).
Triggered Event Generates discrete event signals based on one or more specified conditions.
Decision Generates one of up to three defined discrete event signals based on specified conditions.
Random Choice Generates a user defined discrete event signal based on specified probabilities.
Milestone Records the time at which a particular event or specified condition(s) occurs.
Status Generates a condition (True/False) in response to particular events or specified conditions.
Discrete Change Generates a discrete change signal (a value) that can subsequently discretely modify the values of other elements (e.g., Integrators and Reservoirs).
Interrupt Interrupts a simulation when a specified event or condition occurs and displays a user-defined message and/or writes a message to the run log.