Moving Elements Between Containers

Often while building a model you will want to reorganize your model by adding Containers and moving elements into them, or moving elements between existing Containers.GoldSim provides two methods by which you can move one or more elements between Containers.

For both methods, you must first select the element (or elements) which you wish to move (multiple elements can be simultaneously selected).

Note: You can use these same methods to move graphical objects (such as images and text) that you have added to the graphics pane The primary portion of the GoldSim interface, where the graphical depiction of the model is shown.. You can also simultaneously select and move elements and graphical objects from one Container An element that acts like a "box" or a "folder" into which other elements can be placed. It can be used to create hierarchical models. to another.

The first method for moving the elements(s) involves using the context menu for the object. After selecting the elements(s), access the context menu for a selected element (via a right-click) and choose Move To.... A browser An alternative view of a GoldSim model, in which elements are displayed in a tree, and organized either hierarchically, or by type. window showing all of the Containers in the model will then be displayed:

Select a Container and press OK to move the objects(s).

Alternatively, you can drag the selected element(s) within the graphics pane to a Container present in the graphics pane. When you do this, the Container will be outlined in a blue box. When you then release the left mouse button, the element(s) will be moved into the Container. (Note that you cannot drag elements out of the graphics pane onto the browser or onto a different model.)

Warning: Whenever you paste or move an element, GoldSim automatically updates all input expressions in the model and rebuilds the causality sequence The specific order in which GoldSim updates (computes) elements every timestep. to ensure that the pasted/moved element is properly linked to other elements in the model. For large models (many hundreds of elements) this process could take a noticeable amount of time. You can disable this automatic updating by clearing the "Update expressions automatically after all moves and pastes" checkbox in the Options dialog (accessed via Model | Options...). If the option is cleared, you can still manually force an update by pressing F9 or selecting Model | Update Expressions. Regardless of whether this option is checked, however, GoldSim always carries out an update prior to running a model.