GoldSim Technical Appendices

The GoldSim User’s Guide includes six appendices. These appendices are not included in this Help system. The appendices are included in the GoldSim User’s Guide (a PDF document). The User’s Guide contains all of the contents of the Help file, as well as the technical appendices (in book form).

The appendices include the following information:

Appendix A: Introduction to Probabilistic Simulation. This appendix provides an introduction to basic concepts of probabilistic simulation, and provides suggestions for further reading.

Appendix B: Probabilistic Simulation Details. This appendix describes the mathematical details of the manner in which uncertainty is represented, propagated, and displayed in GoldSim.

Appendix C: Implementing External (DLL) Elements. This appendix provides instructions for users who wish to directly link external programs into a GoldSim model.

Appendix D: GoldSim Units Database. GoldSim is dimensionally aware and carries out all unit conversions internally. This appendix lists all of the internal units and conversion factors provided by GoldSim.

Appendix E: Database Input File Formats. GoldSim allows data to be imported from an ODBC-compliant database directly into GoldSim. This appendix describes the required database structures and formats to facilitate such a data transfer.

Appendix F: Integration Methods and Timestepping Algorithm. This appendix describes the methods used by GoldSim to numerically integrate differential equations. It also discusses the unique timestepping algorithm GoldSim uses to accurately represent discrete events.

Note: Each GoldSim extension module also has a separate PDF User’s Guide (available on the GoldSim website), some of which also have Technical Appendices (that are not included in this Help system).