Creating and Displaying Notes

To add a note to an element, do the following:

  1. Select the element (by clicking on it).
  2. Open the Note Pane A dockable window in GoldSim that displays a Note associated with the selected element. by pressing the Note Pane button in the Standard toolbar or by selecting View|Note from the main menu.
  3. Click in the Note Pane and start typing.

The default font for a new note is specified in the Graphic tab of the Options dialog (accessed via Model|Options in the main menu).

A Format Toolbar is available that provides tools for formatting your Note. By default, the Format Toolbar is turned off. You can show and/or hide the Format Toolbar by right-clicking in the Note Pane and selecting Show Format Bar from the menu.

Note: The basic settings for the Note pane (its location, size and whether or not the Format Toolbar is visible) is saved to the Windows Registry, and are therefore applied to all GoldSim files on your machine. Formatting for specific Notes (e.g., font, color), however, is saved only with the file.

You can only enter a Note if an element is selected (or nothing is selected). If nothing is selected, the Note is attached to the Container An element that acts like a "box" or a "folder" into which other elements can be placed. It can be used to create hierarchical models. being viewed. If a graphical object An object in GoldSim that is used to embellish or document the model. is selected, you will not be able to type in the Note pane (since Notes can only be associated with elements).

In addition to typing in the Note pane, you can paste text from another Note or another application (such as a word processor).

Note: Notes in GoldSim support multibyte characters sets (for supporting character sets, such as Japanese and Chinese, which cannot be represented in a single byte).

Once a Note has been created for an element, the element's ID will be underlined in the graphics pane The primary portion of the GoldSim interface, where the graphical depiction of the model is shown. and a single click on the element ID in the Graphics Pane will open the Note pane and display the Note for that element:

By default, the ID of an element with a Note associated with it is underlined and shown in blue (so that it looks like a hyperlink). You can modify this so that the ID is shown in the defined text color (black by default) via an option on the General tab of the Options dialog (accessed by selecting Model|Options from the main GoldSim menu).

To delete a note attached to an element, simply delete all of the text in the note.